The Ottawa Aikikai Dojo is a not-for-profit martial arts dojo that has been a part of the Ottawa community since 1980. The dojo offers the opportunity to train in four traditional martial arts: Aikido, Iaido, Kenjutsu and Jiu Jitsu. Each of the four martial styles has affiliations with national or international organizations or directly with the lineage holder in order to provide standards, training opportunities and guidance with respect to testing for various ranks. All instructors are volunteers and receive no remuneration for teaching classes in their respective styles.

The collective vision of the Ottawa Aikikai Dojo is to build a more peaceful world one encounter at a time. The intent is to aid members in the navigation of conflict situations both in and out of the dojo by acting confidently and compassionately with all who they come in contact with. The four styles share the space, supporting each other and building on a long history of martial practice. Though there are separate classes for each style, members of the Ottawa Aikikai Dojo are encouraged to explore the other arts (cross-train) to discover which style fits best with what they wish to accomplish. To further the collaborative atmosphere of the dojo, we hold semi-annual seminars where all styles train together.

Aikido Kid’s Classes are returning!

We are excited to announce that Children's Aikido Classes at the Ottawa Aikikai Dojo resume Saturday, November 2nd, 2024!

Dates: Saturdays, 3-4pm

Time: 3-4pm

Ages: 5-15

Pricing: $50/Month

Suggested attire: T-shirt, sweat pants or tights.

Registration will occur on Saturday November 2nd from 2-3pm. Uniforms will also be available for sale. Instruction will be provided by Nicole Lewis, 3rd Dan.

Youth 16 or older may join our regular (adult) classes.

The Ottawa Aikikai Dojo is OPEN for practice!

Students must register for all classes through our DojoExpert membership management system.

Use the App or CLICK HERE to book your classes

If you don’t have a DojoExpert account, use the “Contact Us” form, include the name and phone number of an emergency contact person, and we will send you the appropriate credentials.

Please consult the Schedule for available classes, and remit funds through e-transfer as directed on the Fees page.